
The Majority voting model returns the most voted label among the $K$ labels, for each task:

\[\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmax}{argmax} \hat y_i = \argmax_{k\in[K]} \sum_{j\in [n_\texttt{worker}]} \unicode{x1D7D9}_{\{y_i^{(j)}=k\}}.\]


With peerannot in a terminal located in the directory of answers, the MV model can be used as follows.

peerannnot aggregate . --strategy MV --answers-file answers.json

Note that by default, if the answers are in a file names answers.json the --answers-file argument can be omitted.


Import the aggregation model in the current session

from peerannot.models import MV

Assuming the answers are in a dictionary names answers then run:

mv = MV(answers, n_classes)
yhat = mv.get_answers()

Note that the majority voting aggregation produces hard labels (Dirac distributions).

API details: class models.MV

MV model class inherits from CrowdModel

__init__(answers, n_classes,**kwargs)


  • answers:(dict) Dictionary of workers answers with format
                  task0: {worker0: label, worker1: label},
                  task1: {worker1: label}
  • n_classes: (int) Number of possible classes
  • kwargs: (dict) Dictionary that can contain path_remove to remove tasks identified from the WAUM or another method.


For each given task, computes the number of votes for each label.


Returns the most voted class from the baseline. In case of equalities, a random choice is applied.