class CoNAL(tasks_path, answers, model, n_classes, optimizer, n_epochs, scale=1e-05, verbose=True, pretrained=False, output_name='conal', **kwargs)

CoNAL (Common Noise Adaptation Layer), Chu 2021

Implementation based from the unofficial repository

__init__(tasks_path, answers, model, n_classes, optimizer, n_epochs, scale=1e-05, verbose=True, pretrained=False, output_name='conal', **kwargs)

CoNAL deep learning strategy. Learn a classifier with crowdsourced labels by modeling worker-specific and global confusions.

During training, given the classifier \(\mathcal{C}\) with output scores \(z_i\), local confusions \(\pi^{(j)}\) and global confusion \(\pi^g\), the model computes the following:

\[h_i^{(j)} = \sigma((\omega_{i}^{(j)}\pi^g + (1-\omega_i^{(j)})\pi^{(j)} ) z_i ),\]

with \(\omega_i^{(j)}=(1+\exp(-u_j^\top v_i))^{-1}\) where \(u_j\) is the worker-related embedding and \(v_i\) the task-related embedding. This is computed in the AuxiliaryNetwork. Then, the NoiseAdaptationLayer computes the final prediction \(h_i^{(j)}\).

The final loss is the crossentropy between the worker-specific prediction and the given label with a regularization term of penalty scale \(\lambda>0\) on the difference between the local and global confusions.

\[\mathcal{L} = \frac{1}{n_{\texttt{task}}}\sum_{i=1}^{n_{\texttt{task}}}\sum_{j\in\mathcal{A}(x_i)} \mathrm{CE}(h_i^{(j)}, y_i^{(j)}) - \lambda \sum_{j=1}^{n_{\texttt{worker}}} \|\pi^{(j)} - \pi^g\|_2.\]
  • tasks_path (path) – Path to images to train from

  • answers (path) –

    Path to answers (json format)

        task0: {worker0: label, worker1: label},
        task1: {worker1: label}

  • model (string) – Backbone classifier architecture: should be from torchvision.models

  • n_classes (int) – Number of classes

  • optimizer (string) – Pytorch optimizer name (either sgd or Adam)

  • n_epochs (int) – Number of training epochs

  • scale (float) – Regularization parameter in the loss, defaults to 1e-5

  • verbose (bool, optional) – Verbosity level, defaults to True

  • pretrained (bool, optional) – Use the pretrained version of the backbone classifier, defaults to False

  • output_name (str, optional) – Generated file prefix, defaults to “conal”

The batch size, learning rate, scheduler and milestones can be specified as keyword arguments. Visit the computo paper or the tutorial for examples.


Create training, validation and test dataloaders from the dataset.


Train the CoNAL model and evaluate on the test set.

Uses a gpu by default is torch.cuda.is_available() is True.

Results are stored in <tasks_path>/results/<output_name>.json and the best model in <tasks_path>/best_models/<output_name>.pth. Results contain the train, validation and test loss as well as the validation and test accuracy.

run_epoch(model, trainloader, criterion, optimizer, logger)

Run one epoch and monitor metrics